

Type of COFFEES export from India


1.Arabica coffee beans

2.Robusta coffee beans

3.Liberica coffee beans

4.Excelsa coffee beans

Types of Coffee Beans

  • Arabica coffee beans: These coffee beans are usually preffered and come under the highest quality of beans. They originated centuries ago in the highlands of Ethiopia.
  • Robusta coffee beans: It is the second most popular form of coffee beans profoundly found. It originated in sub-Saharan Africa and Indonesia. It is a budget-friendly coffee bean used by consumers. Many believe that Robusta coffee is harsher and more bitter than Arabica coffee. It frequently has a strong odour and a flat, almost burnt flavour. Robusta beans contain far more caffeine than Arabica beans.
  • Liberica coffee beans: are known for their piquant floral aroma, boldness, and smoky flavour. Many coffee lovers adore these coffee beans’ unusual nutty, woody flavour.
  • Excelsa coffee beans: Excelsa beans are almost entirely grown in Southeast Asia and are shaped similarly to Liberica beans — elongated ovals. It comprises fruity flavours and dark roasts, grabbing the attention of coffee lovers.


As we brew all conversations, recipes or events, coffee brewing has also stepped into the tradition and culture. It has played a pivotal role in the industry since the fifteenth century. The Portuguese introduced Arabica coffee beans to India during this period and started developing in the 18th century

Did you know?

India ranks sixth in the world in coffee production, trailing Brazil, Vietnam, Indonesia, Colombia, and Honduras. The country exports roughly 70% of its output, with greens exports roughly split between 30% Arabica and 70% Robusta.

About Indian Coffee Bean

Indian coffee beans are derived from the Arabica plant, a coffee species known for its distinct flavour and aroma. Arabica is thought to have originated in Ethiopia’s highlands, and it is now grown in countries all over the world. The smooth, rich flavour of Indian coffee beans is highly regarded

Origin & History of Coffee

According to the story written in 1671, Coffee was discovered in the 9th century by an Ethiopian goat herder: Kaldi. Kaldi discovered Coffee after noticing that his goats became so energised after eating berries from a specific tree that they refused to sleep at night.

Kaldi reported his findings to the abbot of the nearby monastery and other monks about his discovery, and word of the energising berries quickly spread.

Varieties of Arabica

The two famous varieties of Arabica coffee beans include Typica and Bourbon. Coffee connoisseurs adore the Typica for its excellent cup quality and clean palate finish. Bourbon coffee also has chocolate notes. Certain fruit flavours, such as fig and cherry, can be discerned when roasted lighter.

Arabica takes about seven years to fully mature. It grows best at higher elevations but can also be grown at sea level. 

Where are Coffee Beans Grown?

Indian coffee beans are grown over several regions of the country. However, the famous beans come from the southern hills, which adds an aroma to the flavour and taste. According to the sources, around 40 per cent of India’s coffee beans are grown in Coorg, Karnataka. 

It won’t be wrong to say that most people kickstart their day with a cup of freshly brewed Coffee, which instantly switches their work mode and uplifts their mood. 

Coffee production in India is concentrated in the southern states, with Karnataka accounting for 71%, Kerala accounting for 21%, and Tamil Nadu accounting for 5%. The finest Coffee grown in the world is said to be Indian Coffee, with a large portion of our production (80%) exported through the Suez Canal to Russia, Spain, the Netherlands, and France.

  • Chikmagalur, Karnataka: It is also known as the coffee land of Karnataka, a must-visit place for coffee lovers. According to sources and research, it is one of the first places to introduce Coffee to the British Raj in India. Because of its geography and climate, it is one of the largest coffee estates in Karnataka, trailing only Kodagu, Coorg, and Hassan.
  • Wayanad, Kerala: This place is known for developing Arabica and Robusta coffee beans. The pleasant climate here is responsible for the evergreen forests, flowing lakes, incredible flora and fauna, and a wide range of coffee plantations or coffee fields. 
  • Palani hills, Tamil Nadu: The Glenrock Tea Estates is an ideal place to stay because it has a fully-functioning coffee estate, which means you can witness the entire coffee-making process with a tour of their plantation. Other places like the Nilgiris district, and Kodaikanal, can make you awe-struck with their climate and coffee plantations.

Bean Processing Procedure

  • The ripened fruits of the coffee plant (coffee cherries) consist of two coffee seeds, known as beans which are positioned flat against each other in the process. 
  • The cherries are processed by removing the coffee seeds from their coverings and pulp and drying them.
  • There are several techniques used for coffee beans processing which results in producing green Coffee that goes for the grading procedure. 
  • After the green Coffee is processed, it is graded and sold for roasting. However, there is no universal grading system, but several countries vary with this process due to the origin, nature, quality of the beans, and botanical varieties. 
  • To make “decaf,” the caffeine is permanently removed during the green bean stage before the Coffee is roasted.
  • Do you love the aromatic flavour of Coffee? It is the gustatory qualities of the Coffee developed from the roasting procedure at high temperatures. 
  • The roasting process would determine the characteristics of the aroma and texture of the coffee beans. 
  • Most modern roasting plants grind Coffee by feeding it through a series of serrated or scored rollers with progressively smaller gaps.
  • The fineness of the coffee beans is essential and is performed with due care. The last stage is adequate packaging performed by several manufacturers and suppliers. 

Famous Coffee Roasting Techniques to Keep in Mind

  • Know the roast length based on the beans’ colour before the roasting procedure. 
  • Roast the beans for around 15-20 minutes, and pay attention to the crackling sound of the beans roasting and darkening. And keep stirring them for a better roast. 
  • It can take years to become a coffee roaster, who understands the taste of a perfectly roasted coffee, and its aroma.

Steps to Boost Coffee Bean Yield

  • Select the best coffee cultivars that offer the best Arabica or Robusta coffee beans. 
  • Select suitable climatic conditions for good growth of the coffee plants and the coffee seeds. It is vital to select a suitable climate as the coffee beans are prone to damage during high winds. They can grow well at an optimum temperature of 15-20 degrees. 
  • Ensure essential nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus are in the soil for an optimum coffee yield. Have a balanced proportion of fertilisers in plant growth. 
  • Keep in mind the essential macro and micronutrients for the successful growth of the coffee plant or beans, comprising oxygen, nitrogen, water, air and many more. 
  • Perform precise irrigation for more coffee production and growth. Increase the size of the cherry to ensure optimum yield. 

Wrapping Up

Want to taste the finest coffee experience? Refer to the above-listed pointers to garner valuable insights on processed coffee beans. Our Coffee is 100% pure, made from the finest Arabica and Robusta beans and roasted by hand to provide you with the best coffee experience possible!

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